Christmas Fundraiser at Wallstabe & Schneider

6,500 euros for the Straubing-Bogen Children’s Lobby
(f.l.) The Chairmen of the Works Council of Wallstabe & Schneider Marco Mohr and Manuel Kammerl, Robert Fischer, 1st Chairman of Kinderlobby Straubing-Bogen e.V. Kai Peters Technical Managing Director at Wallstabe & Schneider and Peter Reichart, Director HR.
(f.l.) The Chairmen of the Works Council of Wallstabe & Schneider Marco Mohr and Manuel Kammerl, Robert Fischer, 1st Chairman of Kinderlobby Straubing-Bogen e.V. Kai Peters Technical Managing Director at Wallstabe & Schneider and Peter Reichart, Director HR.

Every year in the run-up to Christmas, the works council of Wallstabe & Schneider organises a fundraising campaign among the employees of the seal manufacturer for regionally active social institutions. This time, 6,500 euros were collected and handed over to Kinderlobby Straubing-Bogen e.V.. The association supports children from low-income families in school, music and sports.
The approximately 750 employees working at Wallstabe & Schneider’s headquarters in Niederwinkling donated 1752.10 euros in cash and overtime worth 1442.84 euros. The management doubled the amount each time and rounded up, so that a total of 6,500 euros was available for the good cause. The first chairman of the children’s lobby, Robert Fischer, and secretary Uschi Ach came to Niederwinkling for the symbolic handing over of the donation cheque. Technical Managing Director of Wallstabe & Schneider Kai Peters, the two Chairmen of the Works Council Marco Mohr and Manuel Kammerl as well as Peter Reichart, Director HR handed over the donation cheque and informed themselves about the projects of the Children’s Lobby.
The children of single parents who do not receive child support are particularly hard hit, reports Robert Fischer, Chairman of the Children’s Lobby. “When you look behind the scenes, you are often shocked at what happens in the wealthy district of Straubing-Bogen and how many children in need there are here,” Fischer said. For example, the Children’s Lobby takes care of financing school trips, tutoring and music lessons. Sometimes it is also necessary to help buy clothes and shoes, the representatives of the non-profit association reported. “We are proud that not a cent is spent on administrative expenses, all donations go to the children in need,” explained Robert Fischer.
This also pleased Kai Peters, Technical Managing Director at Wallstabe & Schneider. Peters praised the holistic educational approach promoted by the Children’s Lobby, because music and sports are also important points in personality development and no child should be disadvantaged in this for financial reasons: “So our donation is money well invested in the future, because the future, those are our children.” Kai Peters thanked the works council for organising the donation campaign and for the good choice made with the Children’s Lobby as beneficiary.